BITM alumni have worked hard to shape the future of North America, unlike other institutions, we did not have a strong alumni network we could easily tap into.
The folks who look into this early 2018, brainstormed on the virtual platforms over many days and yes many nights, over many cups of cafe/tea across time zones and across continents from USA and India and felt that we needed a physical platform to showcase the huge talent that is inherent in our very successful alumni base, across North America in diverse areas, like business consulting, artificial intelligence, computer vision, pharmacy, IT of course, and host of other domains – a bit of a envy to the global professional communities. Once may well ask, why? Well, it’s time for brand BITM to take, not only the center stage and the limelight but also take the lead. Its great that we have so much talent doing so many things, but so few people seem to know about it. Let us shine a spotlight on BITM luminaries.
Having said that it would be a great platform to network as well and best to tap. It could be a young graduate interacting with industry leaders, a career alternative for some who are already flying high (there is always a cloud which is higher), an opportunity to find new talent you would not meet otherwise locked in your closed cabins tucked away in corporate America or running to catch the flights between Tulsa and Boise! Never mind business (that is always a good excuse to justify anything!) why not just do it for meeting each other. we are vibrant group with alumni with age ranges from 25 to 75+ years (yes, more than 50 years) and more, with interests in cross department areas, like Architecture, Engineering, Hotel Management, Pharmacy, Management and not failing to mention the future Sciences.
Once we convinced the core implementation group, the Seniors and officer at BITMAA-NAA needed no convincing, their legs are already one step ahead, and their heart and soul resonated well with the concept and ideas and so RISE Symposiums was launched.
Next, we used as many catchy words for the program to catch the imagination of the young and the Seniors and suddenly it hit, let us use the acronym RISE™ - sort of a direction to our alumni to rise and show your true mettle and in the process raise the brand of our Alma Mater – BITM as a global brand. RISE was also the juxtaposition of the characters in the acronym of our hugely popular Students exchange program to America ISRE (Immersive Summer Research Experiences).
In hindsight, the support has been unimagined and enthusiasm shown for the programming has surpassed expectations and from the very first one (RISE) held in May 2018 at New Jersey the path was only forward with one conducted in Atlanta Feb 2019, and then one in Silicon Valley in conjunction with BITOSA Silicon Valley in Nov 2019.
To foster alumni friendship, networking, share knowledge and to recognize alumni luminaries started RISE Symposiums and Maach program in 2018. At RISE I, II, & III with large alumni presence BITM Vice Chancellor Dr. Mishra and Dr. Konar were chief guests with messages from Chairman C.K. Birla. RISE IV was conducted at Phoenix on March 19, 2022 and was well received by academia and industy as well as local alumni.
We invite you to catch glimpse of the programs though transcripts, pictures and videos and we hope to meet you at the next one!
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